Identifying what clients really want & Achieving greater success through leadership, management and innovation & Observing the synergy of our work & Ensuring brand loyalty.
Our Strategy;
Focus on industry expertise
We are at the forefront of the legal industry in our focus on developing industry-specific expertise among our lawyers. This in-deepth knowledge of our clients’ industries and the industries that drive the Turkish and global economy enables us to provide the most relevant, strategic, and timely advice to our clients.
Delivering seamless client service beyond Turkey
As our clients do business around the world, we follow them to provide advice in a global context. Our firm has talent with global experience and regional expertise. In addition to this expertise, we continue to build strong relationships with law firms around the world so that we can provide the best service to our clients, wherever their business takes them.
Deepening our client relationships
Clients have always been our number one priority and we are investing even more in buinding stronger relationships with them by focusing on adding value to their business and building expertise within their in-house teams. In addition to the legal excellence our clients expect, we are working with them to deliver value in new ways.
Innovating our service delivery and business proposition
Our firm has a history of pioneering new service delivery models and new service offerings. We will remain relevant to our clients by innovating and finding new ways to help their businesses deliver better, more effective and efficient services.
Investing in our people
To deliver the best service, we need to attract and retain the best talent. Across our firm, in every area, we are re-committing to consistent and high-quality recruitment and training, as well as providing more development opportunities available for our people. As one of Turkey’s Best Employers, this continued investment in our people is central to our values, our growth, and our success.