Consultancy Services

Our legal consultacy services enables companies or individuals to take full advantage of the benefits of flexible staffing and project-based work. Legal risk is hugely important and legal risk is the top risk concern in business. The most common, in order, in sequence and specific types of legal risk that you face in business may be listed as; contracts, labor and employment, regulatory, personal injury, intellectual property and patents, and dispute resolution processes.

Minimize legal controversies

Our consultancy services include examination of your company, performing required and/or essential legal custodies and examinations, examining documents and operation processes of your company, to reviewing missing and improper practices, to preparing non-existent documents and reviewing the company’s activities as a entirety, thus that we may process it in the court as it is supposed to. The purpose of our consultancy services is to construct a delicate legal infrastructure, minimize legal controversies and secure the benefits of your company as possible in case of a controversy.

In order to contribute to your company’s development, we provide “protective and preventive consultancy services’’ before occurrence of a controversy. Getting a permanent consultancy service is similar to preventive medicine which prevents future problems before they occur. Working with a law office permanently improves the institutional memory of your company. Some of our permanent consultancy services that we provide for companies are:

  • Answering your questions in writing and orally, and provide legal consultancy
  • Reviewing the contracts that you made with your clients and realigning the provisions
  • Making contracts with companies and persons you work with
  • Revising your contract and realigning the provisions of your employees
  • Regulating your written warnings and your reply briefs
  • Attending your meetings if required
  • Preparing your article of association
  • Making changes in your article of association
  • Organizing the company’s plenary sessions transactions
  • Organizing the company’s share transfer transactions
  • Organizing the establishments of companies, change of field and union of business
  • Protecting the rights of the partners of company’s
  • Protecting your company from claims of forgery and fraud
  • Protecting your company from claims of misappropriation


We provide e-consultancy, in other words written or oral, as well as video consultancy online. In order to utilize e-consultancy, the details and the documents that we are requested to review should be sent to our e-mail address. The e-mails should include contact information in order to speed up the process. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you within the same day. The confirmation e-mail includes the cost of the e-consultancy.

If an agreement about consultancy services is made, the documents including solutions to your legal problems will be sent to your e-mail as a PDF file or WORD document as soon as possible. If demanded, these documents can be sent to you with the original signature. E-conferences and e-meetings can be held. A client that receives permanent consultancy services from us, can benefit from execution of proceedings, advocacy and other services upon request. We will agree upon a price that is beneficial for both parties.


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