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Mediation Centre
Our Mediation Center is located on the Çetin Emeç Boulevard, one of the central boulevards of Ankara. It is very close to the Supreme Court of Appeal, the Parliament, the Ministries, the Regional Administrative Court of Ankara Region, Union of Turkey Bar. It is the 5’th building on the left side when the first turn right after passing Toyota Plaza while moving towards the Judge House in Çetin Emeç Boulevard. In other words, we are in a mutual position with Serender Patisserie.
We have an open parking lot in front of our building. We recommend those who prefer public transportation vehicles such as public buses and minibuses to get on the bus and minibuses from Kızılay to “Övecler 2. Cadde” and get off in front of Toyota Plaza.
Address: Çetin Emeç Bulvarı, 1322. Cadde, No: 62/3-4, Aşağı Öveçler, Çankaya, Ankara, Türkiye
Phone: +90 (0312) 473 39 60
Mobile: +90 (553) 223 32 90
Fax: (0312) 473 39 62