Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. The crime of stalking, definition and penaly for such a behaviour has been recently introduced in Turkey. One of the ways perpetrators stalk victims is through the use of technology. What should you do if you are being stalked in Turkey?
Crime of Stalking in Turkey
In May 2022, Turkey enacted a national law to combat behaviour of stalking. Turkish Parliament made amendments to the Turkish Penal Code, introducing stalking as a criminal offence.
Penalty for Stalking
According to Article 123A of the Turkish Penal Code, the perpetrator, who causes a serious disturbance to a person or worries about the safety of himself or one of his relatives, by persistently following him physically or trying to contact by using communication and communication tools, information systems or third parties, is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to two years.
Aggravated version of stalking
In case the crime of stalking;
- is committed against the child or the spouse from whom a separation decision has been made or divorced,
- is caused the victim to change school, workplace, residence or quit school or work,
- is committed by the perpetrator, for whom a restraining order or a measure of not approaching the residence, school or workplace has been decided,
the perpetrator is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.
Steps to protect yourself
When you learn more about stalking behaviors, you’re more likely to notice them before they escalate, and you can take steps to protect yourself. If you discover that you are being currently being stalked—either in-person, online, or via technology—it can be unsettling and even dangerous. Consider taking steps to protect yourself or involve an authority figure who can help you.
Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
Stalking behavior can take many forms including:
- Making threats against someone, or that person’s family or friends
- Non-consensual communication, such as repeated phone calls, emails, text messages, and unwanted gifts
- Repeated physical or visual closeness, like waiting for someone to arrive at certain locations, following someone, or watching someone from a distance
- Any other behavior used to contact, harass, track, or threaten someone
Use of technology to stalk
One of the ways perpetrators stalk victims is through the use of technology. You may have heard the term cyberstalking to refer to these types of interactions. “Use of technology to stalk” is a broad term that is used to cover all forms of stalking that rely on technology.
Some uses of technology to stalk include:
- Persistently sending unwanted communication through the internet, such as spamming someone’s email inbox or social media platform
- Posting threatening or personal information about someone on public internet forums
- Video-voyeurism, or installing video cameras that give the stalker access to someone’s personal life
- Using GPS or other software tracking systems to monitor someone without their knowledge or consent
- Using someone’s computer and/or spyware to track their computer activity
As technology and digital platforms continue to grow, so do the chances that someone could interact with you in an unwanted manner.
What should I do if I’m being stalked?
If you think you are being stalked, please know you are right to be concerned. Stalking may escalate in behavior. Consider the following tips to increase your safety and effectively report the crime.
- Try to avoid the person stalking you. This can be difficult at times, especially if the person stalking you is close to you or your family.
- If you are being stalked through communication technology, like email or text messaging, make it clear that you wish to stop contact. Once you’ve made it clear, do not respond to further communication.
- Keep any evidence received from the stalker such as text messages, voicemails, letters, packages, emails, etc., but do not respond. You can do this by taking screenshots of conversations or even printing out email exchanges.
- Inform family, friends, supervisors, and co-workers of the situation.
- If you have children, create a code word that lets them know they need to leave the house or call the police.
- Consider reporting the stalking to local law enforcement.
- Keeping an accurate journal or log of all incidents connected to the stalking.
- Become familiar with computer safety and ways to stay safe online.
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